(* Section 3 *) let rec list_remove_all e = function [] -> [] e' :: q -> if e = e' then list_remove_all e q else e' :: list_remove_all e q (****************************************************) type var type typeconstr (* Solution using polymorphic variants *) module VP = struct type monotype = [ `Var of var `Constr of typeconstr * monotype list ] type ('a, 'b) bound = [ `Bound of (var * 'a) * 'b ] type bot = [ `Bottom ] type polytype = [ monotype bot (polytype, polytype) bound ] (* Free type variables *) let rec ftv_monotype : monotype -> _ = function `Var v -> [v] `Constr (_, l) -> List.concat (List.map ftv_monotype l) and ftv_polytype : polytype -> _ = function #monotype as m -> ftv_monotype m `Bottom -> [] `Bound ((v, t), t') -> ftv_polytype t @ (list_remove_all v (ftv_polytype t')) (* Substitution of a variable by a monotype *) let rec expand_mono_in_mono (v, m) = function `Var v' -> if v = v' then m else `Var v' `Constr (c, l) -> `Constr (c, List.map (expand_mono_in_mono (v, m)) l) and expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) : polytype -> _ = function #monotype as m' -> (expand_mono_in_mono (v, m) m' :> polytype) `Bottom -> `Bottom `Bound ((v', t), t') -> `Bound ((v', expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) t), if v = v' then t' else expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) t') (* Types for the normal form *) type constr = [ `Constr of typeconstr * monotype list ] type nf_polytype = [ monotype bot (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound ] and bot_poly = [ bot (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound ] and constr_poly = [ constr (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound ] let rec nf : polytype -> nf_polytype = function #bot #monotype as t -> t `Bound ((v, t), t') -> match nf t with #monotype as m' -> nf (expand_mono_in_poly (v, m') t') (* Eq-Mono*) #bot_poly as t -> match nf t' with `Var v' -> if v = v' then t (* Eq-Var *) else `Var v' (* Eq-Free *) #bot -> `Bottom (* Eq-Free *) #constr_poly as t' -> let ftv = ftv_polytype (t' : constr_poly :> polytype) in if List.mem v ftv then `Bound ((v, t), t') else t' (* Eq-Free *) end (* Solution using standard inductive *) module IND = struct type monotype = Var of var Constr of constr and constr = typeconstr * monotype list type ('a, 'b) bound = (var * 'a) * 'b type polytype = Mono of monotype Bot Bound of (polytype, polytype) bound type nf_poly = Mono1 of monotype Bot1 Bound1 of (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound and constr_poly = Constr3 of constr Bound3 of (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound and bot_poly = Bot2 Bound2 of (bot_poly, constr_poly) bound (* Substitution of variables by monotypes *) let rec expand_mono_in_mono (v, m) = function Var v' -> if v = v' then m else Var v' Constr (c, l) -> Constr (c, List.map (expand_mono_in_mono (v, m)) l) let rec expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) = function Mono m' -> Mono (expand_mono_in_mono (v, m) m') Bot -> Bot Bound ((v', t), t') -> Bound ((v', expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) t), if v = v' then t' else expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) t') (* Free type variables on bounds, monotypes, polytypes dans subsets of polytypes. We try to reuse as much code as possible *) let ftv_bound ((v, t), t' : (_, _) bound) f1 f2 = f1 t @ (list_remove_all v (f2 t')) let rec ftv_monotype = function Var v -> [v] Constr (_, l) -> ftv_list_monotype l and ftv_list_monotype l = List.concat (List.map ftv_monotype l) (* Not used in the solution and ftv_polytype = function | Mono m -> ftv_monotype m | Bot -> [] | Bound b -> ftv_bound b ftv_polytype ftv_polytype *) let rec ftv_poly = function Bot2 -> [] Bound2 b -> ftv_bound' b and ftv_constr = function Constr3 (_, l) -> ftv_list_monotype l Bound3 b -> ftv_bound' b and ftv_bound' b = ftv_bound b ftv_poly ftv_constr (* Projection of constr_poly and bot_poly into nf_poly. In constant time *) let bot_to_nf = function Bot2 -> Bot1 Bound2 b -> Bound1 b let constr_to_nf = function Constr3 b -> Mono1 (Constr b) Bound3 b -> Bound1 b let rec nf = function Mono m -> Mono1 m Bot -> Bot1 Bound ((v, t), t') -> let aux1 nft = let aux2 nft' = let ftv = ftv_constr nft' in if List.mem v ftv then Bound1 ((v, nft), nft') else (constr_to_nf nft') in match nf t' with Bot1 -> Bot1 Mono1 (Var v') -> if v = v' then (bot_to_nf nft) else (Mono1 (Var v')) Mono1 (Constr b) -> aux2 (Constr3 b) Bound1 b' -> aux2 (Bound3 b') in match nf t with Mono1 m -> nf (expand_mono_in_poly (v, m) t') Bound1 b -> aux1 (Bound2 b) Bot1 -> aux1 Bot2 end
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